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Hi! Welcome to my portfolio. Here, you will find a showcase of my various projects and accomplishments. Feel free to explore and get to know me better through the stories behind each project.

Graphic Design

Photo Edits, Photo Manipulation

Includes: Posters, Ads, Logos, etc

In these projects, I took on the role of Graphic Designer. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience that allowed me to showcase my skills and expertise in art and editing. 

Camera Books

Video Editing

Raw Cleaning, Post Productio

Includes: Long-form Educational Videos and Short-form Reels/Tiktok Videos

In these projects, I took on the role of Video Editor. This is one I enjoy doing although a bit exhausting. Video creation is a feat I will always want to explore.

Click each photo for video preview.

Video Editing

Web Design

Website Design and Management

Includes: Website Walkthrough

This project is both an honor and a great pressure as a renowned artist in Bacolod City, asked us to create a website for him.

Click photo beside for walkthrough.

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Meta Business 

Page Creation and Management

Includes: Data on insight growth

These pages are a few of those I handle. These are the three vital ones as these show my growth as well as marketer exploring Meta Business into someone with a few more know-hows.

Click photo beside for data.

Data Analyst
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